Instrukcja obsługi SHARP AR-121E

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[. . . ] AR-151 AR-156 AR-F152 AR-121E AR-151E DIGITAL DIGITAL LASER COPIER OPERATION MANUAL DIGITÁLIS LÉZERSUGARAS MÁSOLÓ KEZELÉSI UTASÍTÁS DIGITÁLNÍ LASEROVÝ KOPÍROVACÍ STROJ NÁVOD K OBSLUZE CYFROWA KOPIARKA LASEROWA INSTRUKCJA OBSLUGI AR-151 156 F152 121E 151E FRONT NON EU1 1. p65 04/01/01, 10:56 PL CZ H GB In some areas, the "POWER" switch positions are marked "I" and "0" on the copier instead of "ON" and "OFF". CAUTION: For a complete electrical disconnection, pull out the main plug. The socket-outlet shall be installed near the equipment and shall be easily accessible. Egyes területeken a másológépen található HÁLÓZATI kapcsoló állásainak megjelölése BE és KI helyett I és (0). VIGYÁZAT: Ahhoz, hogy másológépét teljesen leválassza a villamos hálózatról, húzza ki a hálózati csatlakozó dugót. [. . . ] Túl sok papír van a papírtálcában vagy nincs jól behelyezve a kazettába?A másolatok dörzsölés hatására elmaszatolódnak. Túl nehéz a másolópapír?Nyirkos a másolópapír? 1 ­ 28 AR-151 156 F152 121E 151E NON EU GB-H 1. p65 28 09/01/01, 11:43 STATUS INDICATORS Be sure to use only genuine SHARP parts and supplies. When the following indicators light up or blink on the operation panel or the following symbols appear in the display, solve the problem immediately referring to both the table below and the relevant page. Indication q Developer replacement required indicator Toner cartridge replacement required indicator Steadily lit Steadily lit Blinking Misfeed indicator Blinking Cause and remedy Developer is required. Contact your SHARP service centre as soon as possible. Replacement of toner cartridge will be needed soon. Remove the misfed paper referring to the description of , , Misfeed removal. " p. An original misfeed has occurred in the SPF or in the R-SPF. Remove the misfed originals referring to the description of "Misfeed in the SPF or in the R-SPF". Service by an authorized SHARP service technician is required. The paper tray is not installed properly. If , , CH" is blinking even if the cartridge is installed properly, contact your SHARP service centre immediately. Close the side cover securely by pressing the round projections near the side cover open button. 1-21 Paper tray or bypass tray is empty. 1-7 A misfeed has occurred in the paper tray or bypass tray. 1-24 Paper tray is not securely installed. Turn the power switch off and then switch it on, and if there is again an error, remove the power cord from the outlet, and contact your authorized Service representative. s t SPF / R-SPF misfeed indicator Maintenance indicator The paper tray indicator is blinking. , , CH" is blinking in n the display. q Blinking Steadily lit , , CH" is steadily lit in the display. Q , , P" is blinking in the display. A letter and a number appear alternately. The memory backup funtion for facsimile maintains data only for one hour. When any facsimile data is kept in memory, do not keep the copier power turned off (by unplugging the power cable) for a long time even if the copier stops due to trouble. (AR-F152) DISPLAYING TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES Use the following procedure to display the total number of copies. [. . . ] Metoda zmny velikosti rozmnozovacího papíru je rovnz stejná jako pi zakládání papíru do zásobníku papíru v kopírce. Odstranní zachyceného papíru Jestlize dojde k zachycení, kopírování se zastaví. Zacne blikat indikátor zachycení (t) nebo zacne blikatQ na displeji. Wkladanie papieru do kopiowania Metoda wkladania papieru do kopiowania dla tych podajników papieru jest identyczna z t dla podajnika papieru osadzonego w kopiarce, patrz str. Metoda zmiany wielkoci papieru do kopiowania jest identyczna z t dla podajnika papieru osadzonego w kopiarce, patrz str. [. . . ]


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