Instrukcja obsługi ROWENTA SF 4412

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Mode d'emploi ROWENTA SF 4412
Skrót instrukcji: podręcznik użytkownika ROWENTA SF 4412

Szczegółowe instrukcje użytkowania znajdują się w podręczniku użytkownika.

[. . . ] You can also pre-dry your hair using the drying function of the Brush Activ'. Remove the brush from the body of the appliance and select the air flow/temperature that suits you, keeping your hair damp. [. . . ] Remove the brush from the body of the appliance and select the air flow/temperature that suits you, keeping your hair damp. Separate your hair into sections, using clips: 1. finish with the sections on the top. The secret lies in the fineness of the separated sections, handled one by one! We suggest using the large-diameter brush for general styling and the small-diameter brush for putting the finishing touches (more marked rounding inwards or outwards). From root to tip!It is essential to dry the roots properly before the tips: place the brush against the roots of your hair, under the section to be blow dried, without starting the rotation and only on the drying setting (position 1 or 2) and then start the automatic rotation of the brush while working slowly down towards the tips until the section is completely dry. Remember that badly dried hair is badly smoothed hair! Tips turned under: Place the brush (small or large diameter) under the tip of the section. Start the rotation to roll the hair under. GB Tips turned outwards: Place the brush (small or large diameter) on the tip of the section. Start the rotation to roll the hair outwards. For a more marked effect towards the tips, the small-diameter brush is ideal!The rolled sections must cool without being touched. Once all the hair is dry, arrange the curls and waves using your fingertips. Avoid using a comb or brush, which would spoil the effect. THE FINISHING TOUCHES Fringes For a short, straight fringe, we suggest using the small-diameter brush, which will give more movement. For straight fringes, you will need to give more volume at the root to give the best profile. For a longer fringe, on the other hand, the large-diameter brush will give a smoother effect. On a damp, pre-dried fringe, place the brush under fringe, from the roots, and keep the automatic rotation on to roll the section to the inside until completely dry. Volume at the roots Once the hair is blow dried, place the brush at the root again, under the section (preferably the large-diameter brush), without using the automatic rotation. Start smoothing the section against the lie of the hair for about 3 cm from the roots and then allow the appliance to slide slowly to the tip of the section without stretching it. Then bring the section back to the correct side. [. . . ] Start smoothing the section against the lie of the hair for about 3 cm from the roots and then allow the appliance to slide slowly to the tip of the section without stretching it. Then bring the section back to the correct side. [. . . ]


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