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ROLAND FP-7 MANUAL 2 (12969 ko)
Skrót instrukcji: podręcznik użytkownika ROLAND FP-7
Szczegółowe instrukcje użytkowania znajdują się w podręczniku użytkownika.
[. . . ] *
Full-fledged Piano Performance
The FP-7F features the SuperNATURAL piano sound generator and the PHA III Ivory Feel-S keyboard. You’ll enjoy full-fledged piano performances with richly expressive piano sounds and a keyboard that allows you to express every nuance of your musical inspiration.
Functions for Even More Playing Enjoyment
Looper (p. 60)
This lets you layer your performance with a looper rhythm, and play it back repeatedly. The recorded phrases can also be saved in USB memory (sold separately) and used with the Audio Key function.
Session Partner (p. [. . . ] 80).
Preparing to Delete
1. Press the [FUNCTION] button.
You’ll enter function mode.
2. Use the [-] [+] buttons to select “File Menu. ” 3. Press the [PIANO] button.
The File Menu screen will appear.
4. Use the [-] [+] buttons to select “Delete Song. ” 5. Press the [PIANO] button.
Recording Your Performance
Selecting the Song to Delete
1. Use the [-] [+] buttons to select “Internal Memory. ” 2. Press the [PIANO] button.
The cursor will move to the number of the song to be deleted.
3. Use the [-] [+] buttons to select the song that you want to delete.
Deleting the Song
1. Press the [PIANO] button.
A confirmation message will appear.
If you decide not to delete the song, press the TEMPO [-] button.
2. Press the TEMPO [+] button.
The selected song will be deleted. * Never turn off the power while the screen indicates “Executing. . . ”
Recording a Layered Performance (Looper)
What is the Looper?
The FP-7F offers a feature that lets you record what you play on the keyboard and overdub other sound onto it (such as vocals sung into a microphone). The resulting recordings can be played back repeatedly. This is called the “Looper” function. For example, you could start by recording an accompaniment that uses a strings sound. Next, you could record the melody using a piano sound, adding it to the music you previously recorded. And, just like that, you’ve created a performance that sounds like an ensemble.
Looper Workflow
Phrases (a total of 60 seconds worth can be recorded)
Overdub/ Repeated playback Looper rhythm
An intro is played automatically upon start of a recording; when recording is stopped, an ending is played automatically. The recordable time is approximately 60 seconds for all phrases (intro, main, ending).
What are Phrases?
Keyboard performances and vocals from a microphone that have been recorded using the Looper function are known as “Phrases. ” Each phrase consists of the following three elements. • Intro • Main • Ending
What is a Looper Rhythm?
Each of the Looper rhythms includes an appropriate chord progression, a tempo, and measure number data. When you record a phrase using the Looper, performance will be based on the selected Looper rhythm data. By adding harmony to the sound from the microphone, you can sing with harmony that’s appropriate for the Looper rhythm’s chord progression. Each looper rhythm consists of the following two elements. • Drums • Bass
If you save the recorded phrase on USB memory, you’ll also be able to use it with the Audio Key function (p. * You can’t do the following while using the Looper. • Play back or record a song • Session Partner • Audio Key • Transpose • Change the time signature • Change the tempo
Recording a Layered Performance (Looper)
Recording a Phrase
Here’s how to record a phrase.
If Using a Microphone
1. Connect your microphone (p. 3. If desired, turn on the microphone harmony (p. MEMO
Since the Looper records the sound by overdubbing, noise from the microphone might be more obtrusive. If such noise is a problem, you can assign a pedal to switch the microphone input on/off (p. 72), and turn on the microphone input only when you need to record the sound from the microphone.
Select a Looper Rhythm
1. Press the [DISPLAY] button a number of times to access the LOOPER screen.
2. Use the [-] [+] buttons to select the desired looper rhythm.
For more about the available looper rhythms, refer to “Looper Rhythm List” (p. * Since changing the Looper rhythm’s tempo will change the length of the phrase, it might not fit within the available Looper recording time.
You can choose which looper rhythm parts will sound (p. 67).
If the following screen appears
A confirmation message may appear if you attempt to select a different Looper rhythm or use a function other than the Looper before you’ve saved the recorded phrase.
If it’s OK to erase the recorded phrase If you want to save the recorded phrase
Press the TEMPO [+] button. Press the TEMPO [-] button to store the recorded phrase into USB memory (p. [. . . ] Branch Office Porto Edifício Tower Plaza Rotunda Eng. Edgar Cardoso 23, 9ºG 4400-676 Vila Nova de Gaia, PORTUGAL TEL: (+351) 22 608 00 60
Instrumentos Fernando Giraldez Calle Proyecto Central No. 3 Ens. La Esperilla Santo Domingo, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TEL: (809) 683 0305
Instrumentos Musicales Allegro, C. A. Av. las industrias edf. Guitar import #7 zona Industrial de Turumo Caracas, VENEZUELA TEL: (212) 244-1122
Chahine S. A. L. George Zeidan St. , Chahine Bldg. , Achrafieh, P. O. Box: 16-5857 Beirut, LEBANON TEL: (01) 20-1441
G. A. [. . . ]
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