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Lastmanuals pomaga w ściągnięciu instrukcji obsługi dla NIKON 200MM F8.0 M LARGE-FORMAT M-SERIES LENS
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[. . . ] SW series lenses deliver high contrast and resolution, reduced flare and excellent color rendition, thanks to Nikon Super Integrated Coating and strict control of aberrations. SW-series lenses with a maximum aperture of f/8 are compact and well compensated for distortion.
Nikkor-SW 65mm f/4S
Focal length Maximum aperture ratio Minimum aperture Lens construction Covering power (f/4) Covering power (f/16) Image circle (f/4) Image circle (f/16) Shutter Shutter speed Sync socket Front mount size Å Attachment size i Rear mount size Ç Flange attachment size Î Flange focal distance Overall length Ï Weight 65mm 1:4 f/45
Nikkor-SW 75mm f/4. 5S
Focal length Maximum aperture ratio Minimum aperture 75mm 1:4. 5 f/45 7 elements in 4 groups 80° 106° ø126mm
7 elements in 4 groups Lens construction 80° 105° ø110mm ø170mm (4" x 5") No. 0 (Copal® *) 1 ~ 1/500 s, T, B X-contact ø70mm ø67mm x 0. 75mm (P) ø54mm Covering power (f/4. 5) Covering power (f/16) Image circle (f/4. 5)
Image circle (f/16) ø200mm (120mm x 165mm) Shutter Shutter speed Sync socket Front mount size Å Attachment size i Rear mount size Ç No. [. . . ] 1 (Copal® *) 1 ~ 1/400 s, T, B X-contact ø70mm ø67mm x 0. 75mm (P) ø60mm
6 elements in 4 groups Lens construction 60° 70° ø174mm ø210mm (5" x 7") No. 0 (Copal® *) 1 ~ 1/500 s, T, B X-contact ø54mm ø52mm x 0. 75mm (P) ø42mm Covering power (f/5. 6) Covering power (f/22) Image circle (f/5. 6) Image circle (f/22) Shutter Shutter speed Sync socket Front mount size Å Attachment size i Rear mount size Ç
6 elements in 4 groups Lens construction 60° 70° ø208mm ø253mm (5" x 7") No. 1 (Copal® *) 1 ~ 1/400 s, T, B X-contact ø70mm ø67mm x 0. 75mm (P) ø54mm ø39mm x 0. 75mm (P) 177mm 60. 5mm 380g Covering power (f/5. 6) Covering power (f/22) Image circle (f/5. 6) Image circle (f/22) Shutter Shutter speed Sync socket Front mount size Å Attachment size i Rear mount size Ç
ø32. 5mm x 0. 5mm (P) Flange attachment size Î 146. 8mm 50mm 230g Flange focal distance Overall length Ï Weight
Flange attachment size Î ø39mm x 0. 75mm (P) Flange focal distance Overall length Ï Weight 207mm 69mm 460g
* Designed exclusively for Nikon. "Copal" is the registered trademark of NIDEC COPAL CORPORATION, Tokyo, Japan.
240mmf/5. 6
300mmf/5. 6
360mmf/6. 5
Nikkor-W 240mm f/5. 6
Focal length Maximum aperture ratio Minimum aperture Lens construction Covering power (f/5. 6) Covering power (f/22) Image circle (f/5. 6) Image circle (f/22) Shutter Shutter speed Sync socket Front mount size Å Attachment size i Rear mount size Ç Flange attachment size Î Flange focal distance Overall length Ï Weight 240mm 1:5. 6 f/64
Nikkor-W 300mm f/5. 6
Focal length Maximum aperture ratio Minimum aperture 300mm 1:5. 6 f/64
Nikkor-W 360mm f/6. 5
Focal length Maximum aperture ratio Minimum aperture 360mm 1:6. 5 f/64 6 elements in 4 groups 60° 69° ø415mm ø494mm (11" x 14") No. 3 (Copal® *) 1 ~ 1/125 s, T, B X-contact ø100mm ø95mm x 1mm (P) ø80mm
6 elements in 4 groups Lens construction 60° 70° ø278mm ø336mm (8" x 10") No. 3 (Copal® *) 1 ~ 1/125 s, T, B X-contact ø85mm ø82mm x 0. 75mm (P) ø60mm ø62mm x 0. 75mm (P) 225. 6mm 77mm 820g Covering power (f/5. 6) Covering power (f/22) Image circle (f/5. 6) Image circle (f/22) Shutter Shutter speed Sync socket Front mount size Å Attachment size i Rear mount size Ç Flange attachment size Î Flange focal distance Overall length Ï Weight
6 elements in 4 groups Lens construction 60° 70° ø346mm ø420mm (10" x 12") No. 3 (Copal® *) 1 ~ 1/125 s, T, B X-contact ø100mm ø95mm x 1mm (P) ø80mm ø62mm x 0. 75mm (P) 284. 9mm 94. 5mm 1, 250g Covering power (f/6. 5) Covering power (f/22) Image circle (f/6. 5) Image circle (f/22) Shutter Shutter speed Sync socket Front mount size Å Attachment size i Rear mount size Ç
Flange attachment size Î ø62mm x 0. 75mm (P) Flange focal distance Overall length Ï Weight 345. 8mm 107. 5mm 1, 420g
37. 4
ED120mm f/5. 6S ED210mm f/5. 6
Series M A
The Nikkor-AM (Apo Macro) lenses are exclusively designed for macro photography and provide outstanding performance at 1:1 reproduction. ED (Extra-low Dispersion) glass reduces chromatic aberration at all settings, and completely symmetrical lens construction ensures that the lens is 100% free of distortion and lateral chromatic aberration at 1:1 magnification. Combined with Nikon Super Integrated Coating, the result is outstandingly sharp images, free from flare and ghosts.
Nikkor-AM ED 120mm f/5. 6S
Focal length Maximum aperture ratio Minimum aperture Lens construction Covering power (f/5. 6) Covering power (f/22) Image circle (f/5. 6) Image circle (f/22) Shutter Shutter speed Sync socket Front mount size Å Attachment size i Rear mount size Ç Flange attachment size Î Flange focal distance Overall length Ï Weight 120mm 1:5. 6 f/45
Nikkor-AM ED 210mm f/5. 6
Focal length Maximum aperture ratio Minimum aperture 210mm 1:5. 6 f/64 8 elements in 4 groups 41° 51° ø310mm (M=1:1) ø400mm
(10" x 12") (M=1:1)
8 elements in 4 groups Lens construction 47° 55° ø210mm ø250mm (5" x 7") No. 0 (Copal® *) 1 ~ 1/500 s, T, B X-contact ø54mm ø52mm x 0. 75mm (P) ø42mm Covering power (f/5. 6) Covering power (f/22) Image circle (f/5. 6) Image circle (f/22) Shutter Shutter speed Sync socket Front mount size Å Attachment size i Rear mount size Ç
No. 1 (Copal® *) 1 ~ 1/400 s, T, B X-contact ø70mm ø67mm x 0. 75mm (P) ø70mm ø39mm x 0. 75mm (P) 202. 7mm 104. 5mm 850g
ø32. 5mm x 0. 5mm (P) Flange attachment size Î 115. 9mm 64mm 295g Flange focal distance Overall length Ï Weight
* Designed exclusively for Nikon. "Copal" is the registered trademark of NIDEC COPAL CORPORATION, Tokyo, Japan.
ED270mm f/6. 3 ED360mm f/8
Series T
The Nikkor lenses in the T series are telephoto-type lenses which do not require long-length camera bellows. To maximize correction of chromatic aberration inherent in long focal length lenses, Nikon's performance-proven ED (Extralow Dispersion) glass was used for the first time for lenses for largeformat cameras. Image distortion and curvature are also extremely minimized. Combined with Nikon Super Integrated Coating, the result is outstandingly sharp images, free from flare and ghosts.
Nikkor-T ED 270mm f/6. 3
Focal length Maximum aperture ratio Minimum aperture Lens construction Covering power (f/6. 3) Covering power (f/22) Image circle (f/6. 3) Image circle (f/22) Shutter Shutter speed Sync socket Front mount size Å Attachment size i Rear mount size Ç Flange attachment size Î Flange focal distance Overall length Ï Weight 270mm 1:6. 3 f/64
Nikkor-T ED 360mm f/8
Focal length Maximum aperture ratio Minimum aperture 360mm 1:8 f/64 5 elements in 4 groups 24° 33° ø154mm ø210mm (5" x 7") No. 1 (Copal® *) 1 ~ 1/400 s, T, B X-contact ø70mm ø67mm x 0. 75mm (P) ø60mm ø39mm x 0. 75mm (P) 261mm 124mm 800g
5 elements in 4 groups Lens construction 24° 33° ø114mm ø160mm (4" x 5") No. [. . . ] The arc represents the image circle projected by each Nikkor lens stopped down to the specified f/number. The rectangular boxes indicate film formats: designated format size is approximated by the outer frame, and the usable size for that format is represented by the inner frame. One-quarter portion of the complete projection is shown here in this life-size chart. [. . . ]
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Kliknij na „Pobierz instrukcję” na końcu tej umowy, jeśli akceptujesz jej warunki, wtedy rozpocznie się pobieranie instrukcji produktu firmy NIKON 200MM F8.0 M LARGE-FORMAT M-SERIES LENS.