Instrukcja obsługi LG GR-F399BTQA

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Mode d'emploi LG GR-F399BTQA

Możesz także pobrać poniższe instrukcje, związane z tym produktem:

   LG GR-F399BTQA (1068 ko)
   LG GR-F399BTQA ANNEXE 862 (10511 ko)

Skrót instrukcji: podręcznik użytkownika LG GR-F399BTQA

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[. . . ] Najwaøniejsi s± ludzie FRIDGE-FREEZER User's Guide Please read this User's Guide carefully before operating and keep it handy for reference at all times. LOD"WKAZAMRAØARKA INSTRUKCJA UØYTKOWNIKA Przed uruchomieniem zestawu prosimy dokadnie zapoznaÊ siÍ z niniejsz± instrukcj±. i zachowaÊ j± do wykorzystania w przyszoci. Table of Contents Introduction Registration Important Safety Instruction Identification of Parts 4 4 16 17 17 18 18 18 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 24 Installation Installation Starting Operation Temperature Control Refrigerator Freezer Function Super Freezer Vacation Lock Self Test Ice Making Defrosting Water Dispenser Suggestion On Food storage Care and Maintenance Trouble Shooting Specification To Reverse the Doors Storing Food General Information Lamp Replacement Cleaning Trouble Shooting Specification Precaution How to Reverse the Door 25 25 26 28 30 31 31 3 Introduction Registration Introduction The model and serial number are found on the rear of this unit. This number is unique to this unit and not available to others. You should record requested information here and retain this guide as a permanent record of your purchase. [. . . ] This causes loss of taste and nutrition. Note If you keep the fridge-freezer in a hot, and humid place, frequently open its door or put a lot of vegetables in it, dew may form in it, which has no effect on its performance. Remove the dew with dust cloth free from care. 24 Care and Maintenance General Information Power Failure · 1~2 hour power failure does no harm to the foods stores. Try to avoid opening and closing the door too frequently. · Take out foods from the fridge-freezer and firmly fix the loose items with tape. · Turn the leveling screws until they stop before moving the fridge-freezer. Otherwise the screw may scratch the floor or the fridge-freezer cannot move. · The Anti-Condensation Anti-Condensation Pipe pipe is installed around the front side of fridge-freezer as well as on the partition between fridge compartment and freezer compartment to prevent dewing. · Especially after installation or when ambient temperature is high, the fridge-freezer may feel hot, which is quite normal. If You Move Anti Condensation Pipe Lamp Replacement 1. Unplug the power cord from the outlet. 2. To remove the lamp cover, insert type driver in the underside of the lamp cover and pull it out forwards. 4. Assemble in reverse order of disassembly. Replacement lamp must be the same specification as original. · You must check the O-RING, which is made by rubber and prevent electric spark. 25 Care and Maintenance Cleaning Before Cleaning Be sure to unplug the power. Exterior Clean the outside of the fridge-freezer with a soft cloth soaked with hot water or liquid detergent. If you use a detergent, be sure to wipe it with a clean wet cloth. As above. Interior After Cleaning Check that the power cord is not damaged, power plug has not overheated, and that the power plug is tightly inserted into the outlet. w WARNING Be sure to dry the appliance with a cloth after washing it with water. Do not use abrasive, petroleum, benzene, thinner, hydrochloride acid, boiling water, rough brush, etc, as they may damage parts of the fridge-freezer. 26 Care and Maintenance GRILLE and DRIP TRAY Exterior Dispenser Remove the GRILLE , wipe moisture out around the DOOR part and the DRIP TRAY using a clean cloth. Wipe moisture etc out outside of Dispenser and on the DISPENSER PAD using a cloth. WATER TANK 1. Lift the WATER TANK up by pressing the fixing LEVER on the bottom of WATER TANK and then remove it. 2. After removing the CAP TANK (BIG), clean and fully rinse the inside/outside part of the WATER TANK by using neutral cleansing agent. CAP TANK (Big & Small) Clean and fully rinse the CAP TANK (Big & Small) by using neutral cleansing agent. Especially for the groove part of the CAP TANK, it is convenient to cleanse it by using a small brush. Clean and fully rinse the VALVE ASSEMBLY by using a small brush. Rinse it while operating the bottom part of the valve assembly. [. . . ] · Jeeli aktywna jest funkcja blokady `CHILD LOCK', inne przyciski nie bd dziala. Podczas blokady - LOCK Jeeli blokada nie dziala - UNLOCK `SUPER FRZ. ' 51 52 53 54 55 OSTRZEENIE 56 Wyjmij KRATKA, przy pomocy czystej ciereczki wytrzyj wod wokól DRZWI oraz MISECZKA CIEKOWA. 57 58 59 GR-F399B 296/315 86/104 210/211 1896mm 595mm 651mm 77kg 230V/50Hz 10kg/24h 1. 01kW/24h GR-F399P 296/315 86/104 210/211 1896mm 595mm 617mm 77kg 230V/50Hz 10kg/24h 1. 01kW/24h 60 3 1. Aby oddzieli uchwyt drzwi 22 1 znajdujcy si po lewej stronie, zdejmij zatyczk 2 i odkr rub 3 w kierunku przeciwnym do ruchu wskazówek zegara. W taki sam sposób zdejmij uchwyt drzwi komory zamraarki 4 . (nie trzeba wykonywa tej procedury dla ukrytego uchwytu). 1 5 3 2 4 2. Po odkrceniu ruby 6 pokrywy prawego zawiasu na górze, zdejmij pokryw prawego zawiasu 5 j i rozlcz kable przylczeniowe 9 . Wykr rub 7 mocujc górny prawy zawias 8 i ostronie zdejmij drzwi zamraarki 10 . 11 zdjtych drzwi lodówki ostronie zdejmij górn zatyczk 12 i wycignij kabel 13 , aby dokona podlczenia po lewej stronie. [. . . ]


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