Instrukcja obsługi HITACHI CP-X615W

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Skrót instrukcji: podręcznik użytkownika HITACHI CP-X615W

Szczegółowe instrukcje użytkowania znajdują się w podręczniku użytkownika.

[. . . ] · Automatic adjustment may not function correctly with some input signals. · The image may not be displayed correctly when the input sync signal is a composite sync or a sync on G. · The HDMI input does not support the signals marked with *. 1 Initial set signals Initial set signals The following signals are used for the initial settings. The signal timing of some computer models may be different. [. . . ] Click the [Enable] check box for the [Authentication] setting when authentication is required. Click the [Enable] check box to open [Network Control Port2 (Port: 9715)] to use TCP #9715. Click the [Enable] check box for the [Authentication] setting when authentication is required. Default setting is "Enable". Port open Network Control Port2 (Port: 9715) Authentication When the authentication setting is enabled, the following settings are required. Security Settings Authentication Password Network Control Re-enter Authentication Password Enter the desired authentication password. This setting will be the same for [Network Control Port1 (Port: 23)] and [Network Control Port2 (Port: 9715)]. Default setting is blank. 9 Command Control via the Network (continued) Command Format [TCP #23] 1. Protocol Consist of header (7 bytes) + command data (6 bytes) 2. Header BE + EF + 03 + 06 + 00 + CRC_low + CRC_high 3. Command data Command data chart byte_0 byte_1 Action low high Action (byte_0 - 1) Action 1 Set 2 Get 4 Increment 5 Decrement 6 Execute byte_2 byte_3 Type low high byte_4 byte_5 Setting code low high Content Change setting to desired value. Run a command. Requesting projector status (Get command) (1) Send the following request code from the PC to the projector. Header + Command data (`02H' + `00H' + type (2 bytes) + `00H' + `00H') (2) The projector returns the response code `1DH' + data (2 bytes) to the PC. Changing the projector settings (Set command) (1) Send the following setting code from the PC to the projector. Header + Command data (`01H' + `00H' + type (2 bytes) + setting code (2 bytes)) (2) The projector changes the setting based on the above setting code. (3) The projector returns the response code `06H' to the PC. Using the projector default settings (Reset Command) (1) The PC sends the following default setting code to the projector. Header + Command data (`06H' + `00H' + type (2 bytes) + `00H' + `00H') (3) The projector returns the response code `06H' to the PC. Increasing the projector setting value (Increment command) (1) The PC sends the following increment code to the projector. Header + Command data (`04H' + `00H' + type (2 bytes) + `00H' + `00H') (2) The projector increases the setting value on the above setting code. (3) The projector returns the response code `06H' to the PC. 10 Command Control via the Network (continued) Decreasing the projector setting value (Decrement command) (1) The PC sends the following decrement code to the projector. Header + Command data (`05H' + `00H' + type (2 bytes) + `00H' + `00H') (2) The projector decreases the setting value on the above setting code. (3) The projector returns the response code `06H' to the PC. When the projector cannot understand the received command When the projector cannot understand the received command, the error code `15H' is sent back to the PC. [. . . ] Consumer Business Group Shin-Otemachi Bldg 5f, 2-1, Otemachi 2-Chome, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-0004 Japan HITACHI EUROPE LTD. Consumer Affairs Department PO Box 3007 Maidenhead Berkshire SL6 8ZE UNITED KINGDOM Tel: 0870 405 4405 Email: consumer. mail@hitachi-eu. com HITACHI EUROPE S. A. 152 33 Chalandri Athens GREECE Tel: 1-6837200 Fax: 1-6835694 Email: service. hellas@hitachi-eu. com HITACHI EUROPE GmbH Munich Office Dornacher Strasse 3 D-85622 Feldkirchen bei München GERMANY Tel: 089-991 80-0 Fax: 089 - 991 80 -224 Hotline: 0180 - 551 25 51 (12ct/min. ) Email: HSE-DUS. Service@Hitachi-eu. com HITACHI EUROPE S. A. Gran Via Carles III, 86 Planta 5ª Edificios Trade - Torre Este 08028 Barcelona SPAIN Tel: 93 409 2550 Fax: 93 491 3513 Email: rplan@hitachi-eu. com HITACHI EUROPE S. r. l. [. . . ]


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