Instrukcja obsługi SIEMENS GI38NP60/01

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Mode d'emploi SIEMENS GI38NP60/01

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Skrót instrukcji: podręcznik użytkownika SIEMENS GI38NP60/01

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[. . . ] . 5 Zapnutí-vypnutí mraznicky . . 5 Kazdodenní pouzívání . . 7 Uzitecné tipy a námty . . 10 4 electrolux CS Bezpecnostní informace Ped nainstalováním a zahájením pouzívání tohoto spotebice si pecliv pectte tuto pírucku uzivatele. [. . . ] Only use fresh food of the best quality. Always leave hot food to cool to room termperature before placing in the freezer. Divide food into small portions before freezing; this ensures that freezing is more rapid, and that you only need to defrost the amount needed for immediate consumption. Mark the freezer packaging with the date of freezing. Place fresh food for freezing close to the cold sides of the freezer, making sure that it is not in contact with the frozen food already in the freezer. Cleaning The best time to clean your freezer is after defrosting. Disconnect the appliance from the power supply and remove all loose accessories. Use hot water and a mild, nonaromatic detergent. Clean the loose accessories, before replacing them again. Never use strong detergents, scouring powder or aromatic detergents to clean your freezer. 42 electrolux EN Frozen food can be stored anywhere inside the freezer, but should be kept at least 5 mm below the upper edge. Never fill the freezer further than the loading line shown on the illustration. If freezing is too slow, the quality of the food being frozen deteriorates. Is the temperature control set correctly for the surrounding conditions?The lid will not close completely Is there excessive frost or a package preventing the lid from closing?Does the freezer wobble or seem unstable? The lid is difficult to open Is the lid seal dirty or sticky?If you still need help, please contact your local Sercive Force Centre. Service or repair In cases of breakdown or faults, your freezer must be serviced by an authorized Electrolux Service Centre. Under no circumstances should you attempt to repair the appliance yourself Technical Data Model Volume (gross) Volume (net) Height Width Depth Weight Energy consumption/24h Freezing capacity Hold-over time Rated power Voltage Climatic class Liter Liter Cm Cm Cm Kg kWh/24h kg/24h Hours Watt Volts BNI280 GI38NP60/01 263 260 87, 6 93, 5 66, 5 44 0, 878 16 32 100 230 SN-T Climatic classification Ambient temperature limits SN from +10°C to +32°C N from +16°C to +32°C ST from +18°C to +38°C T from +18°C to +43°C This appliance complies with the following EC Directives: 73/23/EEC of 19. 1973 Low-Voltage Directive 89/336/EEC of 03. 1989 (including Amendment Directive 92/31/EEC - EMC Directive) 44 electrolux FR Electrolux. Thinking of you. * Partagez notre imagination sur www. electrolux. com Le symbole sur le produit ou son emballage indique que ce produit ne peut être traité comme déchet ménager. Il doit être remis au point de collecte dédié à cet effet (collecte et recyclage du matériel électrique et électronique). En procédant à la mise au rebut de l'appareil dans les règles de l'art, nous préservons l'environnement et notre sécurité, s'assurant ainsi que les déchets seront traités dans des conditions optimum. Pour obtenir plus de détails sur le recyclage de ce produit, veuillez prendre contact avec les services de votre commune ou le magasin où vous avez effectué l'achat. Sommaire Avertissements et conseils importants45 Installation . [. . . ] Pakastimesi ei toimi Onko virtalähteen johto irrotettu seinästä?Onko lämpötilan ohjaus asetettu Poisasentoon?Hälytys pysyy ääni ja/tai punainen valo/symboli ( ) on päällä Eikö kantta ole suljettu täysin?Onko lämpötilan hallinta asetettu sopivaksi ympäristön olosuhteiden mukaan? [. . . ]


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